De bar van Van der Valk Hotel Venlo
Our most frequently asked questions Find your answer here

FAQ Valk Deals

Here you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers. Is your question not listed? Please contact the hotel where you want to book your overnight stay.

Booking process

How can I book a deal on your website?

To book a deal on our website, go to There you will find all Deals that Van der Valk is currently offering. Click on "View this deal" to see a list of all hotels offering this deal. Choose the hotel where you want to stay and check the availability of the deal. Select the desired date and follow the instructions in the booking tool to confirm your booking.

Can I change my booking after I've made it?

Yes, many of our deals offer the option to cancel your booking for free! For the details of your booking you can always look at the booking confirmation in your e-mail. If you would like to change your booking, please contact the specific hotel to see if this is possible.

Can I make special requests, such as an extra bed or cot?

You can contact the hotel where you booked your stay to make special requests, such as an extra bed or cot. Inquire about the possibilities at the relevant hotel.

Are the prices shown per person or per room?

The prices shown are always per person per night, unless stated otherwise.

Do the deals on your website include meals?

Many of our deals include meals. We not only offer deals with breakfast, but also special deals including dinner. For the current offer, please visit our deals page.

What is the minimum age for a room reservation?

The minimum age for a room reservation is 18 years old. Guests under the age of 18 must have parent/guardian consent to reserve a room. Parent/guardian must be present at check-in. Underage guests can be refused if there is no permission.

Can I use the Valk Gift Card with Valk Deals?

Yes, the Valk Gift Card can be used at Valk Deals. With the Valk Gift Card you can spend freely at all Van der Valk Hotels & Restaurants, both in the Netherlands and abroad. This means that you can use the gift card to make use of a Deal at a Van der Valk Hotel.

What are the available payment methods?

 The available payment methods are:

  • Debit/Maestro

  • Credit cards: American Express, Diners Club, VISA and Mastercard

  • Valk Giftcard

  • Online payment

Some hotels do not accept cash payment for an overnight stay. If in doubt, always contact the relevant hotel for the correct information.

Contact & information

What is Valk Deals?

Valk Deals is a platform on which you will be the first to be informed about current deals and arrangements at Van der Valk. You can now also sign up for the newsletter and receive surprising offers every week!

How can I get in touch in case of questions or problems?

If you have booked a deal and have any questions about your booking, we recommend contacting the relevant hotel directly. For any (technical) booking problems when booking the deal, please contact us at:

Do you offer a loyalty program for frequent bookings?

 Yes! With the Valk Loyal program you can benefit from even more benefits, guarantees and extra service. You can save up to €2.50 per person per deal. Look here for all the benefits.

How can I stay informed about new deals?

To be the first to know about Van der Valk's offers, we recommend that you sign up for our newsletter. By subscribing you will receive regular updates and exclusive deals directly to your inbox. Don't miss a chance to take advantage of our great offers! Sign up for our newsletter here.


Until what time can I check out?

Check-out time varies by hotel. To find out more information about this, please contact the specific hotel or consult the website of the relevant hotel.

Is parking available at the hotels?

Yes, parking is available at most Van der Valk hotels. You can almost always park for free in the spacious parking spaces in front of the hotel, even if you come for a dinner in one of our restaurants or a meeting in our meeting rooms. However, parking is paid at some hotels. The following hotels have paid parking:

  • Hotel Amsterdam-Amstel Hotel

  • Brussels Airport

  • Van der Valk Hotel Gent

  • Palace Hotel Noordwijk

  • Van der Valk Hotel Liège Sélys

In most cases you can park for free for the first 3 hours, after which a rate of € 3 per o'clock. Parking rates may vary by hotel, so it is advisable to check the respective hotel's website for the most up-to-date information.

Are charging stations available?

Yes, we have electric charging stations available at most of our hotels. You can park your car for free and charge it at the same time while enjoying your overnight stay or a pleasant dinner at one of our hotels. This way you can quickly get back on the road after your visit. Look here for all our hotels with a charging station.

Are pets allowed in the hotels?

Yes, pets are allowed in some of our hotels. However, each hotel has different fees and rules regarding bringing pets. See here which rules our hotels apply. For more information about this, please contact the specific hotel.

Are there fitness facilities or a swimming pool in the hotels?

Yes, our hotels offer various facilities, including fitness facilities and a swimming pool. On this page you can find all the facilities available in our hotels and see which hotels offer them.